Recruitment Professional

Parul Suri has 4 plus years of rich experience in Human Capital Management in IT industry and possesses Masters Degree in Human Resources Management. She has successfully grown in the corporate ladder and managed Teams to mutually meet the organizational goals. She mentored many Recruiters with immense knowledge and experience in Sourcing technology professionals for onsite as well as offshore requirements ranging from array of Technologies.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Twenty-one Useful Strategies on Recruitment and Selection

No other job of the training director, besides preparing for an accreditation site visit, is so time-consuming, yet so critical to the healthy functioning of the internship, as recruitment and selection. Reviewing the applications and scheduling the interviews is a massive organizational undertaking. As a training director who has been through this process five times, I would like to share with you some of the strategies that I have learned and a few of the minor disasters that led up to these strategies.

Strategy Number 1: Set up a web site.
Besides saving on postage, updating a web site is much easier than updating a brochure, once you get the hang of it. A web site is more accessible and preferred by today’s media-savvy graduate students. Each year, I let the questions of the previous year’s applicants guide my update of the web site. You can keep useful information on the web site, rather than rely on overloaded snail mail systems during the Christmas holidays. Web site information can include interview schedules, as well as directions to your site.

Strategy Number 2: Build double-checks into your system
One year, one of our staff called six interviewees and told them to come for their interviews at 8 am on a particular date. Unfortunately, everyone else had cleared their schedules to see them at noon. I was in the intake clinic when I got a call from the secretary telling me that there was a room full of applicants waiting for me. Ever since then, I have had some system of double-checks. My most recent system is to have the staff call the applicants to tell them of the interview dates and times, and then to also post the dates and times of the interviews on the web site along with applicant initials and state (or school, if in Illinois), with a request to call me if there are any discrepancies.

Strategy Number 3: Call to negotiate a reduced rate at hotels.
Convenient local hotels will probably provide your applicants with a reduced rate, if your secretary or administrative assistant calls from your institution and asks for one. You can post the information about this on your web site.

Strategy Number 4: Set an early enough deadline.
Reviewing files carefully is very time-consuming. Also, it cannot be done right if it is done in a rush, as each application will not be reviewed with care. Thus, for most programs, a deadline of no later than November 15 is recommended.

Strategy Number 5: Request undergraduate transcripts

The quality of applicants accepted by various academic psychology programs differs dramatically. None of us can monitor each graduate program’s reputation for quality. The undergraduate transcript provides some insight into the quality of applicants accepted by the graduate school. We are very cautious about applicants with any C’s in the last two years of undergraduate education. Even worse, some applicants may have D’s or F’s.

Strategy Number 6: Reject inadequate files, but not too soon.
A number of stray letters of recommendation will come in without an application. Save them for a month or so. On rare occasions, an application has shown up quite late, although the postmark clearly indicates that it was mailed on time. Even by the deadline, many files are missing a letter of recommendation or a transcript; these files can still be reviewed and a postcard can be sent telling the applicant that the file is not complete.
Inadequate files are those where the applicant was clearly doing a mass mailing at the last minute and missed several important items. For example, one applicant to our program last year did not specify the track he was applying to, did not enclose the required testing report and he was missing all transcripts. He was rejected immediately and his file was not reviewed. In my first years, I called some similar applicants about the missing items, and let the files be completed. Typical interviewer remarks about these candidates, as you might expect, were “flaky” and “disorganized.”

Strategy Number 7: Get all the training staff to help in reviewing the applicant files.

More staff looking at fewer applicant files can do a better job than one or two alone. The mind starts to numb and applicants start to blur together after too many applications. Then the training director can help with any tough calls at the end about who to interview.

Strategy Number 8: Look at personal statements carefully.
I found that applicants who relate something about their personal histories, with appropriate personal boundaries, in the personal statements often seemed to be the best during the interview.

Strategy Number 9: Select applicants before the holidays.
Be sure that all files are reviewed, and interviewees are selected, at least 1 week prior to the start of Christmas vacations, so you have enough time to contact them to offer interviews. Once vacations start, applicants become very difficult to reach. Don’t use the mails; they may not be at home to get your letter. If you can’t reach them by phone, e-mail can help.

Strategy Number 10: Err on the side of interviewing too many, rather than too few.

I would rather interview too many applicants than go through the clearinghouse, or feel pressure to rank applicants that the interview team did not like very much. I feel that our rigorous and extensive interview schedule (as well as the veto rule, below) may be a reason why our site has not had any serious problems with intern performance for many years. I can never predict what proportion of interviewees will be ranked. For example, one year we interviewed 18 applicants for the neuropsychology track and decided not to rank 6 of those. On paper, these applicants were not less preferred in any way.

Strategy Number 11: Distribute schedule sheets.
Type up a schedule sheet for interviews that can be used internally and also handed out to the applicants (this eliminates the need for cross-checking of different schedules). Distribute them to staff and interns with plenty of time to spare, so your colleagues can check them for errors. I find that no matter how careful I am, there usually are some minor ones. That way, you have time to correct errors and redistribute corrected schedules before the applicants come.

Strategy Number 12: Clear schedules way in advance, and be realistic about what’s needed.
Schedule the dates that you offer applicants for interviews far in advance, and ask the staff to hold open those times. If you have to schedule more dates than you’d wish, it is still better than off-schedule interviews. Our site has a neuropsychology track, and we found that a local high-prestige site with a neuropsychology track rigidly adhered to interviewing on Wednesdays only, and always scheduled interview dates with applicants after we did. After years of piteous begging for rescheduled interviews by desperate graduate students, and a multitude of last-minute schedule changes on our part, we decided to reduce the toll on all involved and schedule our interviews for neuropsychology on Tuesdays.

Strategy Number 13: Half-day interview format
Schedule interviews for only one-half of a day. Applicants prefer this and find it less grueling and as informative as a whole day format.

Strategy Number 14: Provide ample interaction with current interns.
Encourage your current interns to be frank about their training experiences. If your interns are clearly both happy and honest, nothing else is a better sales pitch for your site. Provide a casual atmosphere where applicants can relax, have refreshments between interviews and talk to the interns about the program.

Strategy Number 15: Listen to current interns.
Interns are included in the applicant review team meeting. They are clearly listed as part of the interview schedule for applicants. I encourage the interns to tell any applicant enquiring, that yes, they will have input on the selection process.
Interns may be initially hesitant to criticize applicants, but their input can be invaluable. They will be able to readily detect undesirable traits in their interactions with the applicants, while those same applicants will behave more professionally with the staff.

Strategy Number 16: Veto power.
Everyone interviewing the applicant, including current interns, has veto power. Using the veto means that an applicant is not ranked. No “good reason” is needed—a hunch or feeling is sufficient, although everyone makes an effort to describe the concern. My assumption is that the clinical acumen of any one of the staff or students could pick up on an undesirable trait that others have missed. I believe that this has helped us to avoid many potential problems.

Strategy Number 18: Form a team consensus rating of each applicant
All the interviewers who are assessing any subgroup of applicants, are scheduled to meet as a team after the interviews. Then each applicant is discussed and the team tries to form a consensus rating. The director of training can convert the ratings to rankings later, taking other factors into consideration.

Strategy Number 17: An important question for the team.
Ask the question: “Would we rather take this applicant than go to the clearinghouse?” Don’t worry about the quality of clearinghouse applicants; due to supply and demand factors, many very high quality applicants will have had bad luck with the matching process and are available. However, going to the clearinghouse necessitates another round of application reviews and interviewing, which is stressful and time-consuming for the training program. Weigh these options carefully.

Strategy Number 19: A useful rating scale:
1—the best, excellent qualifications, excellent fit, universally well-liked by interviewers, a perfect match
2—extremely strong applicant, excellent fit, liked by all, but doesn’t have that same perfect match quality
3—strong applicant, good fit, not as engaging as above, or fit may not be as perfect, but liked by all
4—solid candidate with a number of strengths appropriate to site, some minor drawbacks
5—solid candidate, not as ideal a fit as above categories, but all would be happy to have as an intern
6—a candidate who is qualified, may have some drawbacks, but nothing critical, and is good enough to be worth ranking rather than going to the clearinghouse
7—don’t rank

Strategy Number 20: Let the DOT convert the ratings to a ranking.
The director of training can convert the team’s ratings to rankings, taking into account additional information such as status of dissertation, quality and reputation of the graduate school, applicant interest areas and so on. Specialty track applicants are ranked jointly with the primary supervisor of the track (for us, health psychology and neuropsychology).

Strategy Number 21: Uncertain about changes? Do a survey.
After the last interview cycle, I was considering making a number of changes in the interview format. Staff suggested other potential changes to me. I was unclear about what changes applicants would have preferred, and another training director suggested that I poll some of them. I made the survey brief (3 pages) and easy to fill out just by making checks in various boxes. Written comments were optional. Remarkably, 10 out of 13 surveys were returned. The insights that we gained from these applicant preferences will allow us to further improve our interview process.

What not to say while attending an Interview…!!!!

Now a days leaving a job is common thing, employee needs Job satisfaction, Job security, Salary hikes and many more......reason can be anything to leave a job, but what to say what not to say while attending interview....Please go through below lines, may help you to understand, what should not be said, while attending an interview...

The Wrong Reasons
Basically, if the cause of your leaving a job is unreasonable, silly or ridiculous, then you should think twice before pulling the plug. But “silly” is subjective such that most people who have silly reasons to quit are difficult to convince otherwise and won’t know better anyway…at least, by my experience.

1. You haven’t gotten a raise in so many months.

You’ll need to establish a track record at your position before you can start expecting rewards. Take into consideration the entire job market too, in order to determine if you’re in the same boat as everyone.
2. You’re not being assigned the tougher projects.
Again, you’ll need to prove yourself first at many places before you’re given the challenging responsibilities. If you do a good job with the small stuff, then in time, you’ll be given the harder assignments. Of course, if you’ve waited a long time and you’re really not being put to good use, it may be time to bail out.
3. You think the job market is hot and so are you.
I knew a highly paid director of software development who left his company in a huff, thinking he would be rehired promptly. Well, it turned out much harder than he thought. It took 9 long months, 10,000 out of his pocket to hire an executive placement agency that got him nowhere, desperate attempts at getting any sort of job including that of a shopping clerk at Best Buy (which didn’t pan out), and a close call with foreclosure before he eventually received an offer to become a traveling consultant for 70% of his previous pay. Moral: Don’t fall from the frying pan and into the fire.
4. You didn’t get that promotion after the big project you just did.
Once more, you need to take everything into consideration before thinking of leaving. Many times, getting ahead in a company takes more than just one feather in your cap.
5. You discover you’re not getting an office.
Need I say more? Everyone lives in a cubicle these days.
6. You think you won the lottery but really you didn’t.
This actually
happened to this man. Don’t leave your job until you’re sure you’ve really won.
7. Indian Idol is in town, you’re set to audition and you made it to the Bollywood round.
So you think you have certain talents that deserve to be showcased on a different platform. An opportunity presents itself and you need to act fast. Before you quit your day job, assess your situation and
look at your realistic chances at getting anywhere with this opportunity. Tread this path carefully.

You’ve been in a job for only a week, you’re a frequent job hopper and you’re itching to leave again.
Given your history, you may want to think twice before quitting. It may be the case that the problem no longer lies in the companies you work for, but rather in your tendency to move around. You’ll need to do some self-reflection on this one: are you even in the right career?

Somebody dared you to.
You know who you are.

" Best of luck for a good job…"